Common ivy

Ivy climbing a tree to reach maximum sunlight for growth
The common ivy that most of us pass by day by day is actually called Hedera helix and is a lot more than meets the eye. It is an evergreen plant, which means it doesn't lose its leaves throughout the year, and it can climb heights of up to 30m or 98ft high which is equivalent to just under 7 double decker buses! It is only able to climb due to its specially adapted roots called aerial rootlets. They are roots that are above the ground that contain matted clingy pads that grip onto the substrate and aid the upwards growth of the plant. This adaption allows the ivy to reach maximum sunlight and grow in a niche that few other plants have evolved to be in. This enables the ivy to have a natural advantage when it comes to gaining sunlight for photosynthesis. This unfortunately means that ivy has been accused of strangling trees and blocking sunlight from the trees’ leaves. As the ivy climbs the tree it covers its bark and therefore reduces the barks contact with air and creates competition for nutrients and water. This is why ivy is seen to strangle trees.

Ivy also has a lot of positive roles in ecosystems. Ivy has berries and nectar which provide a food source for birds and insects and also pollen that insects can use during pollination. It can also act as shelter for slightly larger organisms such as bats along with insects and birds. Before the hibernation period begins ivy is a very important source of food for many organisms as it is evergreen and available when they need it even before winter.

Ivy flowers also attract many rare insects, such as the golden hoverfly (Callicera spinolae). The likelihood of siting one is very rare though as there have only been sitings in the UK in the last ten years at four locations.

There is a large folklore around ivy and I remember being told as a child have poisonous they are and to not touch the leaves or I would be poisoned. I’ve (obviously) since found out that although ivy is toxic to humans, you would need to be highly allergic to it for it to ‘poison’ you from just touch alone. Other folklore that surround ivy include how wearing a ivy wreath around your head will prevent you from getting drunk. This sprouted from the images of the Roman god of intoxication, Bacchus, was depicted wearing a wreath of ivy.

There are two forms of common ivy - juvinille and mature. The juvenile has gloss and lobbed leaves compared to the mature that has heart-shaped leaves that are small but nectar rich.


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