Blue tit

A blue tit being held during a ringing session. Blue tits are one of the most known birds in the UK. Their scientific name is Cyanistes caeruleus and they are in the bird family tits. Their population is doing well and the have green UK conservation status and they are protected under The Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981. Their feathers are a mix of blue, yellow, white and greens. They are small birds weighing 11 g and having a wingspan of 18 cm. In the UK there are 3,600,000 breeding territories and in Europe 20-44 million pairs. A blue tit in its nest. blue-tit-nest-amy-lewis.jpg They nest in any suitable hall in a tree or wall and often compete with other small birds such as great tits of house sparrows. They make their nests up to 15 m above the ground after both males and females have looked for an area to nest in. When the male finds an appropriate place he flutters his wings and goes into the hole calling in the hope that the female will follow. The female may...